Patients are found quickly and efficiently

Waiting with your pet at the vet can be challenging, as animals, like humans, don’t always get along with each other.

Animals, just like people, have different temperaments, and when they are at the vet, conflicts can arise between them. This could involve dogs of different breeds or, for example, a dog and a cat together.

Jan Birch from Odder Veterinary Clinic states:

"Many animals are stressed when they come to a clinic. Not only because they are sick or injured, but animals can also become stressed simply from being around other animals.

With a paging system from Discover Systems, we can alleviate this by allowing patients to wait outside. It’s very easy and comfortable for everyone."

Dyrlæge pager kaldesystem til dyrlæger
With a paging system from Discover Systems, we can alleviate this by allowing patients to wait outside. It’s very easy and comfortable for everyone
Jan Birch
Odder Veterinary Clinic
Odder Dyreklinik Kaldesystem

At Odder Veterinary Clinic, they have appointments, but also emergency patients without scheduled times. They try to avoid having too many animals in the reception and waiting area at the same time. This also reduces the risk of contagious diseases.

Stressed animals can stay in the car to minimize stress and then go directly into the consultation room.

A solution to these problems is a paging system, where the pet owner receives a pager upon check-in and can then wait outside for a shorter or longer period. When it’s the patient’s turn, the vet can simply press a button to call the pet owner, who will receive a flash or vibration in the pager, indicating they should go to reception or directly to the treatment room.

- Discover Systems
CVR: 25109260