SOLT Call Buttons

The call button system is a versatile and effective solution suitable for various industries and environments, including restaurants, hotels, meeting rooms, hospitals, and retail spaces.

Let's figure out how our solution can help you while
we exchange ideas.

Fast Service, Increased Productivity, and Satisfied Customers

Discover Systems' call button is a discreet and elegant solution that enables guests and customers to easily and efficiently contact staff. The system saves time, boosts productivity, and enhances the service experience for both guests and staff. Designed for both indoor and outdoor use, it can also serve as an emergency call system in a wide range of settings.

SOLT SB7 Knap kaldesystem

A Versatile Solution for Every Industry. The call button system is adaptable to all types of industries and environments, such as restaurants, hotels, hospitals, retail stores, and manufacturing facilities, where flexibility in staff workflows is essential. With Discover Systems' call button, contacting staff or colleagues is as simple as pressing a button. Messages are sent wirelessly to a watch or digital display, clearly indicating who requires assistance.

Key Benefits and Features

The product’s unique selling points (USPs) include:

  • The ability to request help quickly and efficiently
  • Improved staff communication and response times
  • Reduced customer frustration and increased satisfaction
  • The potential to boost sales through enhanced service

The system also grants staff more freedom by reducing the need for constant monitoring and can be used for emergency calls from machines or equipment.

For more details, including a case study from the spa and wellness industry, please visit our website.


Efficient, Discreet, and Elegant

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Product brochure

Download our brochure about TableCall and read more about the system

Declaration of conformity

Download our declaration of conformity, which documents compliance with relevant directives and standards, here.

Order at Discover Systems

Order your product directly at Discover Systems.

Fill out the form here, or contact one of our sales representatives directly.
We will then make sure to put together the right system for your company.

Order at a dealer

Order your product at one of our approved dealers.

Brug SOLT Call Buttons her

Systemet kan bruges i en bred vifte af brancher, og hjælpe virksomheder med at optimere deres arbejdsprocesser, forbedre kommunikationen internt og eksternt.


Gain flexibility and financially advantageous options by either leasing or renting your system through Discover Finance. We present a number of advantageous financing options at your disposal.


We can offer extremely advantageous financing with fixed installments and a fixed low interest rate


Pay in cash, over 6 months or something completely third. We have a solution that suits you.

Quite simply

A few clicks is all it takes. Then the rest runs by itself, completely automatically.

Customers we collaborate with

We always assist our clients in fostering growth by maximizing potential and improving results across any industry!

- Discover Systems
CVR: 25109260