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Call buttons provide the ultimate service and save time and money

Call buttons provide the ultimate service and save time and money

Call buttons come in many forms and with different technologies as a basis.
But the same for most is that they provide greatly improved service in many industries, and can save time and money, or provide additional revenue.

At Discover System, we have experience with a wide range of industries that we have helped with call button systems. Here is a small selection;

  • As a waiter call in restaurants and cafes

    The buttons are placed on the table, and the guest can call the waiter when they need service. The advantage is that the guest gets service when there is a need, and the advantage for the waiter is that he/she does not need to run back and forth unnecessarily to find out if the guests are missing something. Call buttons can also be used in the kitchen to call the waiter, so that he can be called when the food is ready to be served to the guest.


In meeting rooms

Many meeting rooms need to call for help. It can be if you e.g. want more coffee or water brought in, or if you have problems with the AV system and need help from a technician. A call button in meeting rooms saves a lot of time and optimizes meetings.


In the bowling alley

A call button located at the courts so that guests can call for service. It could be that the technique is teasing, or that you want more drinks. A call system that optimizes the service for the guests, and just like in restaurants, this can mean additional sales of drinks for the place.


In the retail store

A call button can be placed in the dressing room so that customers do not have to leave the room when trying on clothes. If they need a different size or color, pressing the call button can summon the assistant who can bring a new size or color. An optimal service

At the grocer or supermarket

In these stores, there are many places where an employee has several functions and cannot be in one place. A call button system should be of great help here. It may also be that the relevant person at the checkout needs help, and can, using a calling system, call specifically the person you need. It can also be if the store has mail delivery, or if you have departments in the store where customers often have questions about the products. It may be in a delicatessen where the employees may also produce goods, and therefore are not always aware of whether there are customers at the counter


In receptions

It can be in all receptions, where the receptionist has other tasks around the house, and therefore cannot sit at the reception all the time. With a call button, you can ensure that incoming guests can call the receptionist if he is somewhere else. This often occurs in smaller hotels where there is no need for a full-time receptionist at the reception


A call button in clinics such as; dentists, vets or other treatment clinics where the doctor or therapist needs assistance and cannot leave the patient. A call button that means more efficiency and safety for patients and employees


Industrial companies

There are many places in production companies where wasted time can occur and where a call button system would make a lot of sense. It can, for example, be that machine operators need help and can summon engineering or a foreman with just a press of the button. It may be that a machine will call the forklift to move a pallet. There are many places in production companies where it provides optimal  efficiency to use a call button.


A call button system can be used in many industries. Wherever you need precise and direct communication and where you want optimal service and time savings.

Call buttons’ calls can go both to a pager watch that the receiver wears on the arm (Wrist watch pager or Wrist watch receiver) or as a pager solution that is carried in the belt or pocket. The pagers can emit a vibration that indicates that a call is being made from somewhere, and the display will indicate in digital form who is calling. The pagers can also beep or flash if needed

Call button systems have many advantages;

1) Discreet calls so guests or patients are not disturbed.

2) The button system has its own frequency and is thus not dependent on wifi etc

3) Precise communication to one or more people simultaneously

4) Easy to install and easy to operate


The call buttons themselves come in different forms, and systems can be tailored to the needs you have. This could be a display that holds the call button, which many restaurants use, so they also can use the display as information sign.

Discover Systems has over 20 years of experience with call systems, so give us a call and let us help you to provide better service and optimize your time use.

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