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Why should we use waiter paging? By using a server paging system, chefs can immediately alert the correct waiter when a dish for one of their tables is ready. Waiters are notified via a personal pager ensuring meals are delivered promptly and at the correct temperature. This solution also eliminates the time wasted going back and forth from the kitchen to check on orders.

I have used waiter paging before, but the clip keeps breaking: This will not happen with our rugged pagers from JTECH. They have a metal clip that is strong and durable. The idea came from a tool manufacturer that use the metal clip in their tools such as measurement tapes etc.

Are there alternatives to the pager that the waiter have to wear in the belt: Yes another waiter call system is our Button Call System which consist of buttons (or a 6 button call display from the kitchen) and paging watches that the servers have on their wrist. A elegant solution.

Can a waiter call system be integrated into our POS or Kitchen Display System? Yes it can. We are always open for doing integrations, and already have that with many POS software suppliers such as; Micros/Oracle, Vectron, Schultes, TCPos, Untill, Onlinepos, Gastronovi, Schultes, TiPos, Enfore, PC-Cash, Untill just to mention some.

We are using an old-fashioned bell or letting the chefs yell, why should we use a waiter call pager: First of all yelling or the constant ringing of a bell can annoy guests. Often they wonder if the ringing of the bell or the constant yelling means that the waiter is not picking up the food, and if this now stands and are getting cold. Another reason is exactly that you don’t want to have that the guest get their food cold, and thereby risk to send it back to the kitchen for re-heat, or new plate of food. Many restaurants focus on getting the order into the kitchen fast by using pda’s etc, but forget that it is equal important (or many even more) to get the food out to the guest as fast as possible. Restaurants guests want their food fast, fresh and hot.

What would be my return of investment? Beside the increased service level and he satisfied customers (which then could potentially be returning customers), then the return of investment if the more spare time the waiters have can be used for selling more. Only when the waiter spend time with the guest is the possibility to do more sales. Not when they are stacked up in the kitchen or the bar, just standing waiting for the food or drinks to be ready! Think about it, could the waiter just sell one more dessert, one more cup of coffee, one more beer or wine etc, then the investment is paid of in no time. Contact us eventually for a return of investment calculation that we will be happy to help you with.

Can these server pagers be used for other than waiters: Yes this is a sense a staff call for many purposes, or a manager call. As a staff call the staff are contacted quickly and discreetly. This can be in any corporate situation, or in production as an example where the staff need to call a truck driver, a warehouse person etc. This is in many situations both cost efficiently and saves the corporations many hours of wasted time. It can be in retail situations, where each change and dressing room is equipped with a button, so that the customer can call staff to come and help, instead of having to run out to find the staff. It can be used for staff paging in hospitals or clinics, so that assistance can be called swiftly and efficiently to a room. It can be in hotels where service is required in meeting rooms, or a manager is required to the reception etc, the possibilities are endless.

What is the notification that staff gets when called?: This is depending of which system is used. The basic is the choice of vibration, beep and flash, but can also be a simple flashing number on the pager. The more sophisticated call can be done though our SmartCall System, that can show a message on the pager. This can be a pre-defined message, or can be typed from the transmitter individually.  The SmartCall System can also be combined with a software to control the wait time and to get overview and data.

Cleaning: Use warm water with a small amount of dishwashing detergent soaked in a dishcloth then wrung until just damp (excess water may cause damage). Gently wipe down staff pager, charger and master console keyboard.

Do not use liquid substances that can run into the electronic parts

Alternative use disinfecting wipes with isopropyl alcohol, or a cloth wrung with isopropyl alcohol.

Are the pagers working on battery? Yes, they are, but are rechargeable batteries, so some have to be charged in a charger, and some can be charged individually. Batteries normally last 2-3 years and the charging is smart charging meaning that they will charge in 4 hours and not overcharge. Of course a battery which is fully charged will last for a work shift.

How can I find out what fit my business and which type of pager to choose?: You contact us or one of our partners, and we will be happy to assist you and give you the advice that fit exactly your business or work situation.



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