Transport & Logistics
- Save a lot of time and frustration – do not have to run out and look for trucks.
- Overview - Everything can be controlled from an office or from the ramp.
- Peace of mind for the driver - He does not feel forgotten.
- No language difficulties - Beep and blink is an international language that everyone can understand.
- Avoid traffic jams - Manage the flow.
- Higher safety - trucks cannot leave the ramp before they are told.
With a pager system for trucks, you can save time and avoid frustrations.
Coordination of loading and unloading can be a time-consuming affair. With a pager system for waiting lorries, warehouse workers can save a lot of time as well as frustration.
Here you should not worry about language difficulties or misunderstandings. Beep and blink are understood by everyone!
A pager system for lorries ensures you a great overview – everything can be controlled from your office space or ramp.
A paging system not only provides comfort and overview, but also a significant increase in the safety for the staff who no longer must rush between the trucks in the yard.
With a paging system for waiting lorries, you create peace and security, both for driver and warehouse staff. This gives a faster and more efficient on- and offloading.
With us, you get a paging system that is easy and quick to install. And as of course works every time
Coordination of loading and unloading can be a time-consuming affair. With a pager system for waiting trucks and lorries, warehouse staff will save considerable time and frustration.
A pager system for waiting trucks provides both peace and security and gives a much more rapid and efficient approach and departure.